
Trump takes a Risk with Erdogan

Was quoted in this Deutsche Welle Article about Trump’s Relation with Putin:

Macaron expects that the semblance of a confrontational course will not last long. “Putin wants to look strong at home and defying Washington is the ultimate national sport, while Trump is eager to gain much-needed anti-Putin credentials. Both leaders will get over this at some point,” he wrote. Macaron added that this stance is dangerous, as it misleads the Syrian opposition forces into believing that they have the support of the US government.



Turkey Pushes Syria Safe Zones

Was Quoted in this VOA Article about Turkey’s ambitions to establish a Safe Zone in Northern Syria:

“Turkey is currently shaping a de facto safe zone between Afrin and Jarablus along its border with Syria, part of a demographic battle with the People’s Protection Units [YPG] that represents Syrian Kurdish forces,” argues Joe Macaron, a policy analyst at the Arab Center, a non-profit research organization in Washington.


On Syria, Democrats look to deflect the conversation

Was quoted in this AP article about US election and Syria:

Outside observers caution against expecting too much in Clinton’s ability to turn this conflict around, saying that any future action is too little, too late. Joe Macaron, a policy analyst at Arab Center Washington DC, warns that “the Syrian opposition’s bet on a Hillary presidency might be a rerun of weighing its options in 2011 and 2012 on the expectation of a U.S. intervention under Obama.”



Donald Trump is huge in China; foreign media flock to Republican Convention

Was quoted in this USA Today Article about foreign media coverage of Trump:

In the Middle East, because of terrorist attacks and military tension in the region, “the outcome of the election would be very crucial,” said Lebanese writer and political analyst Joe Macaron. “Unlike four years ago, when the election was not very contested, this year we have candidates who are not very liked. The outcome might be very decisive” for U.S. foreign policy, said Macaron.